Two wrongs don’t make a right

Instead of trying to bring others down, we should try to lift each other up

Malamati Gk.
2 min readJun 30, 2021
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Ever since I heard of this phrase, I found myself thinking about it more and more. I can honestly say that it changed my perspective at the human interaction level, and I’m sure it will change yours, too.

There are so many times that someone does us wrong. As a result, we instantly go on defense mode, and as it is known, the best way to defend is to attack. So we do something to hurt them back; we sick for revenge to feel the fulfillment of justice. This is the exact moment that we are mistaken because revenge comes from a place of anger. It comes from such a negative thought process that can only make things worse.

Instead, justice has nothing to do with any of these negative emotions. Justice is all about peace, fairness, decency, correction, change, and second chances. Above all, justice is based on forgiveness. Because only through forgiveness comes understanding of the mistakes of others and recognition of our own mistakes, too.

To better understand that, you need to detach yourself from the hurtful situation and see it from a different perspective. If you act out of anger when someone is unfair to you, and in return, you unfairly treat that person, in which sense you are different or better than them. When something is wrong, it is wrong no matter what. The excuse “yeah, but they did that to me” is the stupidest thing we, as humans, usually use to justify our mistaken behavior.

The truth is that two mistakes make two mistakes and nothing else. That is as straightforward as it can be. Hurting someone back results in two hurt people. But if you can be able to keep clarity on your thoughts and, rather than pay back, use compassion, then you may be able to heal both of you. In the end, nobody is perfect. Instead of trying to bring others down, we should try to lift each other. Maybe then we will have a better society and a more humanly world to live in.

These have been my thoughts for this post. As always, see you in my next post. Until then, I would love to read your opinion or experience on this topic in the comment section below.

Love, Mal



Malamati Gk.

Hi! I'm Malamati, but you can call me Mal. In this space, I will share my thoughts and personal experience. I hope you find them interesting and useful.