Reality check

Nobody has everything figured out, and that’s O.K.!

Malamati Gk.
2 min readApr 29, 2021
Photo by Anthony Garand on Unsplash

During this pandemic, I’m sure many of you — like myself — are in a completely unknown situation, where you still try to make sense of it all. But every time I open social media, Instagram, in particular, I feel like I’m the only one that’s struggling to figure it all out.

On social media, everyone pretends that everything is under control and in line — just perfect! They act like life is smooth sailing, but this is far from the real world. These picture-perfect moments that everyone is posting are far from the truth, especially during a pandemic.

Real-life away from the camera is full of ups and downs. There are times of happiness and times that we struggle to get out of bed in the morning because we are fed up. Also, life has regular days when nothing too positive or negative is happening. Actually, most days are like that.

Nobody is going to post about regular days because they don’t have something exciting to show. Also, nobody or a few people will post about the heartbreaks or the times they found life hard. That’s because people want to show off only the good times. Sadly this is the way that all of us think.

Basically, this is human nature. If you don’t believe me, just take a second and reflect on the posts you have uploaded on social media. I’m sure all of them represent a happy moment. So, next time you scroll through social media, remind yourself that these highly edited pictures show a happy moment, not the entire day of the person who uploaded them.

I know it’s easy to compare our days, especially the tough ones, with the highlights of other people’s lives. But this isn’t a fair comparison and will always have the same result. It will always end up with you feeling that you’re not doing good enough while others are thriving, which is such a wrong assumption.

Remember that nobody has everything figured out, and we’re all just trying our best to figure it out. Your life, like everyone else’s, is perfectly imperfect, and that’s what makes it beautiful. So try to fully enjoy it, in the end, we only live once.

As always, see you in my next post. Until then, I would love to read your opinion or experience on this topic in the comment section.

Love, Mal



Malamati Gk.

Hi! I'm Malamati, but you can call me Mal. In this space, I will share my thoughts and personal experience. I hope you find them interesting and useful.