Burst the bubble

You have so much potential; it’s a shame to let it be wasted!

Malamati Gk.
2 min readJul 31, 2021
Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

During our lifetime, only two things are certain; death and uncertainty. As we all know, death is unavoidable. One day, we will die, It is what it is, and we can’t do anything about it. But the rest of our days, we get to experience the miracle of life. A life filled with uncertainty and change.

If you look around, you’ll notice that the world is changing at a fast enough pace. And with that, our lives change, too. People come and go. With some, we drift apart because as time paces, our interests start to differ, and others we lose because their time has come. Material things come and go, too. Something we own now and we consider valuable in a couple of years might be completely useless due to the technological evolution.

So with this constant change of the world around us, we should be in a personal evolution ourselves. This evolution can only come through growth. So we need to be open-minded to ideas and concepts that will help us step out of our comfort zone. Bursting the bubble of comfort is a scary thing to do because the safeness of the known is pretty reassuring. So many times, we hold on to the coziness of our little bubble that we end up attached to situations and people that ain’t good for us. We keep accepting wrong behaviors, or even worse, we keep having mistaken behaviors, all in the name of feeling comfortable and safe.

This illusional comfort is just a cover-up of the fear that holds us back. And we need to remember that because the fear of the unknown will only contribute to lost opportunities. Opportunities to experience new things, or to meet new people, or just to become a better version of ourselves. The more new stimuli we get exposed to, the more we learn and grow. We have so much potential, but we let them slip away because we don’t want to conquer our fears and feel a little discomfort during the process. It’s such a shame, really.

Now that we have put things into perspective, it’s time to make the difference and burst the bubble. It’s time to step out of our comfort zones and start living life to its full extend. As scary as it may be in the begging we should bite the bullet and go after the things we desire. Only then will we be free.

As always, see you in my next post. Until then, I would love to read your opinion or experience on this topic in the comment section below.

Love, Mal



Malamati Gk.

Hi! I'm Malamati, but you can call me Mal. In this space, I will share my thoughts and personal experience. I hope you find them interesting and useful.